Cinderella escape 2 revenge nudity
Cinderella escape 2 revenge nudity

cinderella escape 2 revenge nudity

She also has to find and reunite Snow White with her mother, finding herself involved in a tragic tale of these homunculi trying to become human to be with the ones they love. Things get complicated, though, as Cinderella’s quest for the magic mirr-oh, uh, “mirror of truth” is derailed a tad by an uprising of magical doll people, supposedly being led by Pinocchio himself. Her fairy godmother has different plans for her, though, bringing her back to life (maybe sorta, never really explained) to reveal that the prince was the true murderer of the king. The story this go picks up from the true ending of the last game, where Cinderella was executed for the murder of her family and the king. That doesn’t mean it’s “good,” mind you, but it is enjoyable. It’s a major step forward for them as a developer, and also the most finished, polished release of the three titles he’s ever put out.

cinderella escape 2 revenge nudity

However, Revenge chooses to continue with the first game’s story, choosing to switch out moody atmosphere or murky moral drama for over the top lunacy and flashy, explosive combat. Hajime’s sequel to their utterly bizarre Cinderella Escape decides to completely buck the puzzle aspects of that title to try their hand at bondage themed action again, making this feel like a spiritual successor to Huuma Mina more than anything else.

cinderella escape 2 revenge nudity

Disclaimer: The author of this article started backing the developer on their Patreon shortly after purchasing this game.

Cinderella escape 2 revenge nudity