Mac picture viewer like windows
Mac picture viewer like windows

  1. #Mac picture viewer like windows for mac os x
  2. #Mac picture viewer like windows mac os
  3. #Mac picture viewer like windows full
  4. #Mac picture viewer like windows tv
  5. #Mac picture viewer like windows free

Or, from the User Interface tab, you can change several things about the Photo Viewer. If you click the arrow button on the bottom right, you can select to open the picture in any of the installed and compatible image editors or viewers. Click the small thumbnail of other pictures in the folder to preview them, click the arrows to browse through the pictures, or click the play button to start a slideshow. The Photo Viewer does have some additional items on the bottom of the preview, though these will appear grayed out until you hover over them. The preview works beautifully, with zoom in and out animations when opening and closing a preview.

mac picture viewer like windows

Close the preview by pressing the Esc key on your keyboard, or click the X in the top right corner. The preview loads almost instantly, and looks sharp! Press the left or right arrows on your keyboard to go to the next images in the folder, or scroll in and out of the picture by scrolling with your mouse wheel. No window chrome, just your picture and your desktop behind. Your screen will dim, and the picture will zoom out and display in a full-screen overview. Next time you want to preview a picture, simply double-click the photo or click the Preview button in Windows Explorer. You can now look around the Picasa program, or just head back to Windows and continue with your work.

mac picture viewer like windows

Don’t worry if you don’t like the new Viewer, you can always revert back to your previous settings. Select to Use Picasa Photo Viewer as the default viewer, then select the file types you’d like to viewer with the Viewer or just click Select All. Now you’ll be presented with the Photo Viewer Configuration window. Unfortunately, there is not an option to skip the scan, so you’ll have to select one of the options. On first run, select if you want Picasa to scan your computer for pictures or to only scan your Documents and Photos. You’ll need to run Picasa to setup the Photo Viewer. Here’s how you can start using the Picasa Photo Viewer to preview your pictures, even if you don’t want to use Picasa as your normal photo organization and editing program.

#Mac picture viewer like windows free

Thanks to the free Google Picasa program, though, Windows users can have an equally useful picture previewer.

#Mac picture viewer like windows full

Windows 7 and other versions of Windows instead use a full preview application that can take several seconds to load and contains a full window frame.Ī small irritation, to be sure, but if you often find yourself previewing images, this can be time wasting and frustrating. A similar Lightbox effect is popular on many websites click a picture, and the page will fade while the image zoom out larger. It quickly lets you see your picture in a larger size, and zooms in and out when you open and close the preview.

#Mac picture viewer like windows mac os

If you’re using Mac OS X, you can quickly preview your pictures and more by selecting them in the Finder and pressing the space bar.

#Mac picture viewer like windows for mac os x

Video Viewer also features full support for Mac OS X Services.Are you tired of the default photo previewer in Windows 7 and jealous of your Mac’s cool Quick Look Preview tool? Here’s how you can preview your pictures in a fast and snazzy way in Windows with the Picasa Photo Viewer. With Video Viewer you can easily Create snapshots by dragging into another application or the Finder.

mac picture viewer like windows

Video Viewer supports all QuickTime compatible video sources like FireWire Cameras, FireWire DV adaptors, FireWire IIDC webcams, USB webcams 1), or the InterView USB video adaptor.

mac picture viewer like windows

Video Viewer can even show video in the Dock or as the desktop picture. Since Video Viewer supports click-through through the transparent window that floats on top of other applications, the video doesn't hinder you operating your applications. You can also let the video window float above all applications so you'll never miss a thing. Either view video at one of three predefined sizes that are ideal for your video source, freely resize the window to the size you like, or switch to fullscreen mode.

#Mac picture viewer like windows tv

Whether you'd like to preview video footage, watch TV on your Mac, or view a webcam image Video Viewer has the right option to show the video to you. You can view video in a window or fullscreen, copy snapshots to the clipboard and more. Video Viewer is a versatile viewer for live video sources such as a FireWire camera or webcam.

Mac picture viewer like windows